Crown Lengthening for a Less Gummy Smile

Do you reveal more gums than intended when you smile? If you've got more gums visible than teeth when you smile, that's a gummy smile. Cosmetic dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO, with Dr. Sheldon Golomb of the Dental Arts Center, can help you see more of your beautiful teeth through the crown lengthening procedure.

What Is Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a dental procedure where your dentist reshapes your gums so that you have a balanced smile. It doesn't involve adding length to your teeth, rather, it focuses on removing excess gum tissue to reveal more teeth.

When Is Crown Lengthening Necessary?

Your dentist may recommend getting the crown lengthening procedure for therapeutic or cosmetic purposes. Reasons you may require crown lengthening includes:

Balanced Smile - If you've got a gummy smile, cosmetic dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO, can change that. By removing your excess gum tissue, crown lengthening helps balance your smile. So, you can smile confidently.

Dental Restoration - After trauma or disease such as tooth decay, your tooth structure may be inadequate to support dental restorations. Before your dentist can install your dental crown, he may need to perform a crown lengthening procedure. This procedure exposes more tooth enamel that will support your dental restoration.

Broken Tooth - If your tooth is broken below the gum line, a crown lengthening procedure can help. The crown lengthening procedure exposes the broken tooth for proper dental restoration.

Crown Lengthening Procedure

There are multiple surgical procedures for crown lengthening. Your dentist offers sedation dentistry for such procedures so that you're comfortable. The types of crown lengthening procedures include gingivectomy, surgical extrusion, and flap surgery. Your dentist determines the type of crown lengthening surgery that you need. Factors such as your jaw bone health, crown-to-root ratio, expectations, dental restoration, tooth position, and tooth root position will help your dentist make that decision.

If you want a less gummy smile, you can discuss getting crown lengthening surgery with your dentist, Dr. Golomb of the Dental Arts Center. Call (719) 528-6441 to schedule your appointment for cosmetic dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO.

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